Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Limping, but far more alive...

"God's grace does not mean that God benignly accepts humans in all their fallenness, forgives them, and then leaves them in that fallenness.  God is in the business not of whitewashing sins but of transforming sinners."-David Garland

The cross of grace, I have found is a heavy burden to bear and more oft than not we bear the cross of sin with joy. But where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. We are fooled into believing that the cross of grace is easy and carefree, but I can testify to the enormous weight of God grace, because in my life, where my sin was great,  God's grace was higher and longer and deeper and wider than my sin and I struggled under the weight of God's enormous kindness because where my sin was great, his grace was greater. I encountered God and wrestled with him, and he took away my cross of sin, replacing it with a cross that I was never meant to bear. The cross of grace. It was too good. It was a cross that ransomed me from the throws of death and hell. It was a cross that bore witness to God's forgiveness and unfailing love. Here's my encouragement to you: Wrestle with his grace. Trust me, it's okay to struggle with it. It is only natural to fight against it because grace is so unnatural to us. Even if you come away from your life changing experience with his grace and you are beaten and battered and limping, you will be stronger because where our sin is great, God's grace is greater. It is not a pretty fight and we are bound to come out bloodied and battered and limping but we are far more alive afterward than we were before we began.  

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