Friday, February 25, 2011

A poem, reflecting on James 3

The words in a man’s heart are oft words he dare not speak
lest he make a world of enemies. Oft these words are tainted things
less profanity and more truth. Sometimes the words in a man’s heart
praise the One who laid the stars, and other times they curse the man of whom he is the seed. Though these things ought not be, they are. And men of many words must live in that reality, adding salt to what they voice and rebuke to secret words inside.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some Poetry: "The Hostage" and "Looking for God"

The Hostage:

I remember the encounter well
It is the story that I now tell.
There I stood, atop the ledge
With all devices in my hand;
Gun and rope and wire and knife.
I was prepared to take my life
The man below spoke soft and slow
He was a man I did not know.
Minutes in, I knew that man did I oppose.
For no friend of peace was I, I know.
The ledge now gone, a memory.
I am grateful for the life I do now lead
For the outcome I am thankful.
Indeed, guns sometimes tell messy stories
But that’s not the tale you’ll hear from me.
For that day upon the ledge, the man who talked me down, the victory he won.
For it was God who said “Let’s talk-just put down your gun.”

(based on a section of this interview with C.S. Lewis

Looking for God:

I wonder if we are all looking for God
And mistake it too often for freedom.
We leave small town life
For the lust of city lights
The lie we buy says that we are better than most
As we set out to make our claim, our claim amongst the steel and concrete temples of New Amsterdam, that never sleeping giant.
After all my years were spent, I found that life would not relent;
And so I died with dreams unmet and not fulfilled. Life became
Redundancy, looking for God in places he was not
So in the grave my body slept, my soul retreating to the depths.

I wonder if we are all
Looking for God where he is not at all
Like freedom or New Amsterdam.

(Based on a tweet by Jamie Tworkowski. You can follow him on Twitter at!/jamietworkowski

"To be young in New York or anywhere. Everyone doing what they want and calling it freedom. i wonder if we're all just looking for God."-Jamie Tworkowski

Why are you downcast, O my soul? (A Poem)

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why do you fall so easily?
I’ll tell you why.
You are weak, and fickle and full of lust
And you don’t trust those who love you
You think that you can do everything by yourself
But then you get to feeling like you do now
And you feel so alone and would take a life for a way out.
You’re looking to score and no, not in sports.
You’d kill for the whisky that takes the pain away
Or a joint just to kill the voices
You’d trade the progress you’ve made so far for the kiss of that whores mouth
Just so you could feel somebody close.
And so I ask again, why are you downcast, O my soul?
You don’t trust the man that saved you
And so you tie on your spandex cape
And you try to play the hero
But it never works does it?
You can’t stop the bullets that piece you to the core
And you can’t stop that thundering train that is racing toward you
And so to comfort yourself, you’ll retreat even more
Losing more and more of the few days you have left.
And so I ask again, why are you downcast, O my soul?